とれない目の下のクマは副腎疲労のサインかもDark circles under eyes

people with adrenal fatigue will often have dark circles under their eyes



4 & 5: Kidneys — Anything around the eyes (including dark circles) point to dehydration. Drink up!
4と5:腎臓 — 脱水への目(くまを含む)点のあたりの何でも。飲みほしてください!

7 & 8: Kidneys — Again, Drink Up !…. and cut down on sugarie drinks, coffee and alcohol as these can cause further dehydration.
7と8:腎臓 — また、飲みほしてください!…。そして、砂糖飲物の上で減らされて、これらとしてのコーヒーとアルコールは、更なる脱水を引き起こすことがありえます。

9 & 10: Respiratory system — Have allergies? .. Be cautious of all food and skincare ingredients. Cut down on sugar and get more fresh air. Also keep the body more alkaline by avoiding foods that make the body acidic (meat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, sugar) and adding more alkalizing foods like green veggies and wheatgrass juice. Another thing that most of us forget about is dirty cell phones and pillow cases are two of the top acne culprits and this area is what they affect the most!
9と10:呼吸器系 — アレルギーがあります?…すべての食物とスキンケア成分に用心深くしてください。砂糖を減らして、より新鮮な空気を得てください。体も体を酸性に(肉、酪農、アルコール、カフェイン、砂糖)する食品を避けて、緑の菜食主義者とホイートグラス・ジュースのような食品をよりアルカリ化して加わることによってよりアルカリ性にしておいてください。我々のほとんどが忘れるもう一つのものは汚い携帯電話です、そして、枕カバーは最高のにきび罪人の2人です、そして、この地域は彼らが最も気取るものです!

11 & 12: Hormones — This is the signature zone for stress and hormonal changes. And while both are sometimes unavoidable, you can decrease their effect by getting adequate sleep, drinking enough water, eating leafy veggies and keeping skin scrupulously clean. Another interesting point: breakouts in this area indicate when you are ovulating (and on which side).
11と12:ホルモン類 — これは、ストレスとホルモンの変化のためのサイン地帯です。そして、両方とも時々避けられない間、あなたは十分な睡眠をとって、十分な水を飲んで、葉の多い野菜を食べて、良心的に皮膚をきれいにしておくことによって彼らの影響を減少させることができます。もう一つの面白い点:この地域での脱走は、あなたがいつ排卵しているか(そして、どちらがいばるか)について示します。

13: Stomach — Step up the fiber intake, reduce the toxin overload and drink herbal teas to help with digestion.
13:胃 — 繊維の摂取量を進めて、毒素オーバーロードを減らして、消化を手伝うために、ハーブのお茶を飲んでください。

Dark circles under eyes can be symptom of liver disease.

Chronic dehydration

Liver/ Gallbladder trouble (build-up of stones)

Kidney weakness and weak adrenals

I've been told that dark circles under your eyes are a sign of poor circulation, that is, poor heart function and stagnating blood under your eyes.

I have also heard that bags under eyes are a sign of a struggling liver.

3. Anemia
3. 貧血

Iron deficiency anemia could contribute to the shortage of oxygenated blood that causes dark circles under the eyes. However, it doesn’t imply that a person who’s suffering from dark circles under his eyes also suffers from anemia.

4. Hyperpigmentation
4. 色素沈着過度

Some people suffer from perobital hyperpigmentation and the production of melanin around the eyes is more active as compared to others. This could result to dark circles under the eyes.

5. Lack of Proper Nutrition
5. 適当な栄養の欠乏

Not getting enough nutrients, such as iron and Vitamin E could result to this skin problem. Also, there are types of drugs that could trigger the blood vessels to expand and make the dark circles more obvious.

6. Allergies
6. アレルギー

Allergies, such as dust allergy, feed fever, and mild allergy could irritate the eyes, resulting to skin discoloration, especially in the eye area. Luckily, most allergies could be treated with prescribed medications, but this could also cause dehydration.

9. Lack of Sleep
9. 睡眠の不足

Even though this is not the major cause of what causes dark circles under eyes, it could still be one of the factors. Lack of sleep could lead to stress and other health problems that could make your eyes hollow and the dark circles more prominent. As much as possible, try to get eight hours of sleep to look fresh and avoid those dark circles from forming.